John Robson is committed to helping others live meaningful, soul-centered lives.

  • 35 years of life experience progressing through the fields of technical design, project management, people management, company management, owning his own companies, sales and teaching. In that time he worked with or led over 100 teams to create, develop and market new products and services.
  • 25 years of intensive personal growth and applied spiritual living. In that time John took over 120 courses on personal and spiritual growth.
  • 10 years of esoteric and soul-centered training, taking courses on transformational healing, group consciousness, intuition and telepathy, Enneagram, ways of the heart, subtle energies, care of the soul and more.
  • 9 years as a certified journaling facilitator delivering programs on life purpose, creativity, intuition, journaling, master minding, time management and spirituality.
  • 5 years building the Higher Awareness website, co-authoring over 20 programs and inspiring over 50,000 readers and 1000’s of members.
  • 4 years answering personal and spiritual growth questions for hundreds of clients and site visitors
  • Certification from the 3 year philosophical and soul-centered coaching training at the Philosophical Counseling Institute.

John has created a large resource of 100 intuitive resource lists, over 1000 Smart Question Coaching questions, 40 journaling tools and many insightful progressions of consciousness.

John enjoys connecting with and supporting seekers to view and live life from a higher and more meaningful perspective. To becoming proficient at self discovery and self reliance.

His personal interests include nature, walking, cooking, gardening, dancing, meditating and learning.

John Robson believes we each have the answers to the questions of our life inside of us. We need only learn how to draw them out. He invites you to explore life from a new perspective – a higher perspective – a soul perspective.

Fill out the “About Me” form so I can have some background on you and try our free email coaching for one week at no cost.

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